The Xpedition ©

Tome 5 Draft

-Just imagine you are in the middle of this random ideas
-Stopped trying be perfect for a while dont pay attention to mistakes

The last Tome

-Iam running out of visible pennies, i will finish soon somewhere if this deal could not be conclude
-If i have to reborn baby instead of adult body, the only regret i will have in this journey is that i never had a car and never been in speed circuit
-For someone who is passioned by cars and speed its difficult to wait again many years in order to get driving licence
-If such a santion fell on me, exfiltrate me before i start revising math
-Serious people are needed to make things works, but for a minority all these signes are just codes and jokes and have different meanings


-Even if you changed the fate to bring me spend the love day in the AŞK land, COCAINA found a way to meet me there in her prefered place and get a picture with me to celebrate this special day in clandistina-way

-COCAINA always find a way to come see me, in AŞK forces as in the 307 SKY forces

-I got ya too Cocaina, the next flight could be the last under this fake identity in theses old legacy universes, where do you want it to land

Act 1

The story behind the 307experts

-It was an idea to gather the best experts and the best multiverse hackers in different expertise fields in one expertise cabinet
-My apprentice goddess showed me this trend of mixing numbers and letters in the names
-So i turned the word Top into an addition of its ASCII numbers 307
-A lot of small minded tried to funnel this number into the three 007 and others thinks, but yeah why not, this 7 number is born with me

